The Driver-Guides Association is the national professional association of private blue badge tourist guides who undertake tours in their own cars
The National Professional Association of Blue Badge Driver-Guides
Search our list of members for your private Blue Badge tourist guide

Individual Guided Tours of London and the UK by Private Car Driven by Blue Badge Guides


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Insurance Requirements for Driver-Guides

Vehicle Insurance
Whenever a vehicle is offered for hire with a driver for payment additional insurance cover is required by law. This is sometimes called Hire & Reward but more properly known as Private Hire insurance. All members of the Driver-Guides Association have provided proof that they have that cover.

There has been confusion over the wording of standard insurance policies ("social domestic and pleasure") because they often include cover for use "in connection with the policy-holders business". Some guides have interpreted that as covering them for driver-guiding, but it does not.

Public Liability Insurance
All members carry substantial Public Liability insurance.

The Driver-Guides Association is the National Professional Association for Blue Badge Driver-Guides
With members in London and throughout the United Kingdom

Site by Peter Jamieson